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Nature of the forces

The fundamental forces  The four fundamental forces of nature govern the working of the universe and the phenomena taking place in it, These forces are associated with a force particle (or bosons) in particle physics, The strong nuclear, Electromagnetic, Weak nuclear, and Gravitational force (a force particle associated with the gravitational force hasn't been observed yet; Dated this blog- 19 October 2021) Strong Nuclear Force The Strong nuclear force as the name suggests is the strongest force in nature and is associated with Gluon  as its force particle, Briefly; this is the force that holds protons in an atomic nucleus together canceling the repulsion between them (also known as the Coulomb force) in a simple nucleus of two protons the repulsion between them is 9 kg force, 9 kg force is not a great deal in the macro world but in the quantum realm it's a huge amount of force; to scale it up if two protons are that close to each other (10^-27 meters) they'll move away fro...

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